Work and work and more work. That's it, plain and simple.
I used to imagine that if I could create that one magic method of not doing anything and getting paid for it, it would change my life! (Exaggerating the nothing part...)
But, in search of that magic method, I never made a dime. Seems like no one ever wants to pay for somebody to sit around and do nothing. Unless, of course, you're in politics. But that's another post.
The times when I actually make a breakthrough and get to collect a bit of pocket change are the times I actually put in some work. When I really put in the effort, money seems to follow.
I know this is very, very elementary. It really should go without saying. There is no secret to success. You become successful by working hard.
But so often it seems everyone is still looking for that golden egg to financial freedom that they won't have to lift a finger for. Why? Because we all want to be wealthy and pay others to fix or worry about our problems.
But there is another side of all the hard work that no amount of money can ever buy. The satisfaction of a job well done.
If you've never sold anything of your own, whether tangible goods or intangible services, you may not fully relate to that feeling. But for anyone who has ever had to actually produce a product or supply a need, it is both daunting and exhilarating at the same time. To put something out into the world with YOUR name on it... truly amazing.
And that is the part I want to focus more on now.
Sure, it takes work. I've come to accept that fact. There's no getting around it, but if it's all you ever concentrate on, you'll never know the true pride and joy that comes from creating something that is uniquely yours and someone else who decides they have to have your product in their life. It truly is a one of a kind feeling.
So, work and work away, because success truly comes from a little work each and every day.
posted from Bloggeroid
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