As 2013 is quickly drawing to a close, I am excited for both the close of the year and the start of a new one!
For the first time in a very long time, I can say that I am holding my head high closing out another year. I have made several major lifestyle changes in 2013, and am proud to say that I have stuck by them! I've started training again, re-branded my business models (coming 2014!), made more time for myself and my family to do the things we want to do, and re-connected with some old friends to rebuild relationships and patch up others that have been broken for years. :)
My son turned one year old in 2013, and I finally know the pride of being a Father watching his son grow so quickly. Everything from his first smile to his first steps, 2013 will always hold special memories for this daddy!
In a time of unstable work and economy, our family has been blessed working for Intermountain Wood Products. We are only 1 year out from buying our car, we bought a house (FINALLY!), purchased new appliances, and this coming year we will be making our epic trek to FL to pick our other house-full of goods to fill our new home! To top it all off, 2014 promises to be twice as busy! Up, up, up!!
2013 was also the year of my quarter-life crisis... just kidding. But as I have started looking ahead at what I want out of life, I realize now more than ever how important people and relationships are, even on a day to day basis. Because in the end, they're all we're going to have. I have begun getting back in touch with friends who have made me who I am today, in big and small ways, and I can genuinely say I am thankful for each and every one of them being a part of my journey. It has been the best decision I've made in years, and my spirits are lifted as I look to 2014.
I'm not sure what next year holds, but I have determined to make it one of the best I've ever had! I want to love deeper, speak more truth, help more, give more, and go more than I ever have before! I want to look back another year from now and see explosive growth in all areas of my life - relationships, business, family, personal/physical development, friendships, etc. I want to know at the end of 2014 I woke up every day and gave 110% of myself to every moment I was given! I want others to be built-up and better because they know me! I want to live for God and my family more than ever, and love them both with a fierceness that will shine out to others. I want to cross the finish line into 2015 and look back with a smile and say "That was epic!"
Happy New Year everybody! Thanks to all of you for being there for me through thick and thin, let's make it happen in 2014!!